Trademark Registration in Salem

The procedure for trademark registration in India
This search is to check whether your business name/brand or logo is similar to other already registered/applied trademarks in TMR. Generally trademark agent or attorney conducts this search with the Trademark Office to check if there are any similar trademarks already registered under that particular class.
Based on the results of the search conducted, If someone already has the same or similar trademark, you need to change yours, the trademark agent will draft trademark application In Tm 1 or TM 51 provided that your business name / logo found to be unique. Or if you are of opinion that the trademark is rightfully yours and you are using it since long time even before other party trademark registration. You can start as soon as you file the form of trademark application.
§ The Trade marks office will scrutinize your application, and issue the Examination Report
§ If it has no objection, it makes an advertisement in the Trade Marks Journal.
§ If there is no opposition from other businesses in the next four months, your trademark is registered around six months later.
Trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of the application. And thereafter needs to renew the same in order to enforce the similar rights and powers to the respective trademark owner. Trademark renewal means to get back your business mark with the similar rights and powers without making open to the outside world. Under the same; before expiry of the trademark registration application; it is essential to get trademark renewal in order to protect the same after every 10 years.
If you fail to renew the trademark then your registered trademark would removed from the trademark registry. Trademark can be renewed before or after the expiry of trademark registration application. If you renew before the expiry period then it would be easy to go with all the process; as renewal after the expiry period brings additional fees along with other rules and regulation. After expiry you will get 6 month of grace period where you can apply for trademark renewal in India
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