Trademark Registration in Coimbatore

Types of trademarks
Any name (including personal or surname of the applicant or predecessor in business or the signature of the person), which is not unusual for trade to adopt as a mark.
An invented word or any arbitrary dictionary word or words, not being directly descriptive of the character or quality of the goods/service.
Letters or numerals or any combination thereof.
The right to proprietorship of a trademark may be acquired by either registration under the Act or by use in relation to particular goods or service.
Devices, including fancy devices or symbols
Combination of colors or even a single color in combination with a word or device
Shape of goods or their packaging
Marks constituting a 3- dimensional sign.
Sound marks when represented in conventional notation or described in words by being graphically represented.
The Registered Proprietor of a trademark can create establish and protect the goodwill of his products or services, he can stop other traders from unlawfully using his trademark, sue for damages and secure destruction of infringing goods and or labels.
The Government earns revenue as a fee for registration and protection of registration of trademarks
The Legal professionals render services to the entrepreneurs regarding selection registration and protection of trademarks and get remunerations for the same
The Purchaser and ultimately Consumers of goods and services get options to choose the best.
The benefits of registering a trademark
The Trademark registration of a trademark confers upon the owner the exclusive right to the use the trademark registration in Coimbatore in relation to the goods or services in respect of which the mark is registered and to indicate so by using the symbol (R), and seek the relief of infringement in appropriate courts in the country. The exclusive right is however subject to any conditions entered on the register such as limitation of area of use etc. Also, where two or more persons have registered identical or nearly similar marks due to special circumstances, such exclusive right does not operate against each other.
The register of trademark Registration in Coimbatore as of now kept up in electronic structure contains entomb alia the trademark the class and products/benefits in regard of which it is enlisted including points of interest influencing the extent of Trademark enrollment of rights presented; the location of the owners; specifics of exchange or other portrayal of the owner; the show application date (if material); where a trademark has been enrolled with the assent of owner of a previous imprint or prior rights, that reality.
The application or register
But the basic principle is that the trademark applied for should not be substantially altered affecting its identity. Subject to this changes are permissible according to rules detailed in the subordinate legislation.