Trademark Registration Consultant in Tiruppur

Filing of Trade Mark Application
This section deals with the provisions for filing of a trade mark application which are supplemental or additional to the general filing requirements as given in section A of Chapter I. An applicant making an application for registration of a trademark shall, in any case, have to comply with the general filing requirements.
In Addition to the above it also gives glimpse of formality requirement in relation to the acceptability of a Trademark application to move towards examination.
As part of the examination of an application for Trademark Registration Consultant in Tiruppur u/s 18 (4) and 18 (5), the Registrar must determine as to whether the application has been made in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1999 (here in after the Act) and / or Trade Marks Rules 2002 (here in after the Rules) or not.
Examination of Applications filed for Registration of Trademarks
Once the data entry of an application for registration of a trademark is made and digitization of the Trademark application & other connected documents, if any, is complete, the application is allotted to an examiner for examination of application under the provisions of the Trademarks Act & Rules.
The word 'Examiner' hereinafter includes any officer assigned the duty of examination of applications.
The allotment of applications to existing examiners for the purpose of examination is done automatically through the Trade Marks System and strictly in order of the date and time of submission of applications.
However the applications in which request for expedited examination is made on form TM-63 and the same is approved by the officer in charge of the Receipt & EDP Section of the respective branch of the TMR, these applications shall be allotted for examination on priority basis