Online Trademark Registration in Trivandrum

Application for correction of register
Where an application has been made under sub-section (1) of section 58 for the alteration of the register by correction, change, cancellation or striking out of goods or services or for the entry of a memorandum, the Registrar may require the applicant to furnish such evidence by affidavit or otherwise as he may think fit, as to the circumstances in which the application is made. Such application shall be made in Form TM-16, TM-33, TM-34, TM-35, TM-36, or TM-50 as may be appropriate and a copy thereof shall be served by the applicant on the registered user or users, if any, under the registration of the trade mark in question and to any other person who appears from the register to have an interest in the Online Trademark Registration in Trivandrum.
Alteration of registered trade mark
Where a person applies under section 59 for leave to add to or alter his Online Trademark Registration in Trivandrum, he shall make the application in writing in Form TM-38 and shall furnish five copies of the mark as it will appear when so added to or altered. A copy of the application and of the trade mark so amended or altered shall be served by the applicant on every registered user, if any