Online Trademark Registration in Salem
Wednesday, 15-July-2020

The provisions of Part I, Part IV and Part VII of the rules shall, in their application to certification trade marks, apply only subject to the provisions of this Part.
(1) An Online Trademark Registration application for the registration of a certification trade mark under sub- section (1) of section 71 shall be made to the Registrar in Form TM-4, Form TM-65 and in the case of a single application in Form TM-68 or Form TM-69 as the case may be, in triplicate and shall be accompanied by five additional representations of the mark. The draft regulations to be submitted with the application shall be in triplicate and shall be accompanied by Form TM-49.
(2) References in Part I of the rules to the acceptance of an application for the registration of a trade mark, shall, in their application to certification trade mark, be substituted by references to authorization to proceed with the application for Online Trademark Registration in Salem.
(3)An applicant for the registration of a certification trade mark shall not be deemed to have abandoned his application, if, in the circumstances of sub-rule (5) of rule 38 he does not apply for a hearing or reply in writing.
(4) The address in India, if any, of an applicant to register a certification trade mark shall be deemed to be the address of his principal place of business in India for all the purposes for which such an address is required by the rules.
(5) The regulation governing a certification trade mark shall specify inter alia:-
(a) a description of the applicant;
(b) the nature of the applicant's business;
(c) the particulars of infrastructure like R &D, technical manpower support;
(d) the applicants competence to administer the certification scheme;
(e) the applicants financial arrangement;
(f) an undertaking from the applicant that there will be no discrimination of any party if they meet the requirements set down in the regulations;
(g) the characteristic the mark will indicate in the certified goods or in relation to the rendering of certified services;
(h) the manner of monitoring the use of the mark in India; and
(i) such other relevant particulars as may be called for by the Registrar