Brand Name Registration in Tiruppur

Based on the results of the search conducted, If someone already has the same or similar Brand Name Registration in Tiruppur, you need to change yours, the Brand Name Registration agent will draft trademark application In Tm 1 or TM 51 provided that your business name / logo found to be unique. Or if you are of opinion that the Brand Name Registration in Salem is rightfully yours and you are using it since long time even before other party of Brand Name registration in Tiruppur. You can start as soon as you file the form of Brand Name Registration Application.
Advantages of Brand Name Registration
Ø Trademark registration distinguishes the goods or service from others.
Ø Trademark Registration India ensures its worth
Ø Trademark Registration promotes the goods or services of the company
Ø Trademark Registration in India makes great image for the goods/brand
Ø Trademark Registration gives the owner exclusive right to use the brand.
Ø Protects earned goodwill in the business.
Ø Gives your products a status of 'Branded Goods'.
Ø Power to assign (transfer) the trade mark to others for consideration.
Ø The trademark would be important non tangible asset for your business and contributes to the goodwill.
Ø With registered trademark you can stop others from using your trademarked business name / logo etc with regards to goods or services it is registered
Ø Trademark can considered just like any other form of asset, as it can be sold, licensed or assigned
Ø It guarantees the identity of the origin of goods and services.
Ø It stimulates further purchase.
Ø It serves as a badge of loyalty and affiliation.
Ø It may enable consumer to make a life style or fashion statement.